What Power Cables Do Projectors Normally Use?

octobre 05, 2020

What Power Cables Do Projectors Normally Use?

As we use our projectors in our home, office, entertainment, or academic environments, we might begin to ask some simple questions that will have an impact on our overall experience. How long is the power cable of my projector? Are projector power cables interchangeable? If so, which kind?

In essence, all you need is a bit of knowledge to be able to enjoy your projector experience to its full potential. In this article, we will focus on the questions mentioned above - providing in-depth answers that will allow you to understand your projector much better.

We will also take a look at some of the best ways in which you can create a proper setup for your projector power cables, as well as providing some tips on what to do when you can’t seem to get your projector power cables working properly.

Power Cables

Power cables are one of the most common components of all electronic devices. They are cables that usually hold two metal conductors and one stabilizing fin to plug into a wall socket. Power cables are meant to transmit electrical power to any electronic device they are a part of.

All modern projectors use power cables in order to work properly - after all, without electricity, there would be nothing powering the device and allowing us to enjoy our projector experience.

Modern power cables are usually custom built to fit the specific needs and uses that they are required to fill. Most modern power cables that would be used in a projector will consist of three components:

  • Conductors.
  • Protective Jacket.
  • Insulation.

Likewise, the makeup of each component varies according to the specific application of the power cable. The way each cable is made depends on three main causes:

  • Current Transmission Capacity - This determines the shape and size of conductors.
  • Environmental Conditions - This dictates the type of protective jacket needed.
  • Operating Voltage - This will determine the thickness of the insulating material.

Most indoor power cables use no protective jackets due to the low voltage that small consumer electronics like projectors use. Now that you have some insight into the definitions and specifications of most consumer electronic power cables, let’s talk about their use with projectors.

Types of Power Cables for Projectors

As with most electronic equipment, power cables come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and specifications. We will focus on the type of power cables most commonly found on projectors and other consumer-grade electronic devices, they are:

  • SPT-1
  • SPT-2
  • SPT-3
  • SVT & SJT

The only difference among all these types of power cables is the thickness of their insulation. In ascending order, SPT-1 to 3 work in pretty much the same way by using an 18 gauge copper wire at the core of the cable. The more voltage passes through the wire, the thicker the insulation, and thus - a higher SPT number.

SVT and SJT use stronger and thicker insulation materials and rated for use with heavier electronic equipment. SVT and SJT cords are still rated for home use. You will usually find an SVT or SJT power cable on very large projectors or other forms of home electronic equipment like modern washing machines.

Most projector power cables use one of these types of power cables, and they are usually interchangeable with one another as long as the copper wire in the core of the cable is 18 gauge.

Projector and Power Cable Compatibility

Projectors are compatible with almost all SPT power cables that use a single, dual, or triple pin power connector. You can check the number of pins on your power connector by checking the number of holes on the projector’s power supply socket. If your connector uses a cable with 3 pins, then all 3 pins 18 gauge cables will work with your projector.

Most electronic devices use a similar system of power cable specifications, that’s why there are universal power cables that are able to fit on most electronic devices like PC monitors, home entertainment systems, projectors, TVs, and printers - just to name a few.

Length of Projector Power Cables

In essence, the shorter your power cable is, the more efficient the transmission of energy will be. As the length of a power cable increases, so does the resistance - sometimes creating interference or even drops in sound and video quality.

For most household applications like using a projector, this is almost never an issue, but if you feel like you need to know what the appropriate length of your power cable should be - never exceed 100 feet.

An easy way to extend a power cable, and reach your electrical socket without stretching the cable too much, is to use a power extension. By using power extensions, you can easily place your projector in almost any location without worrying about any problems with the distance.

How to Set Up the Right Power Cable for Your Projector?

Let’s have a look at some tips that will ensure you create a safe and efficient setup for your projector experience. Make sure to turn off and unplug your power cable from the projector if you are to handle any of its components.

1) Measure the Distance Between the Projector & Socket

This is a very important aspect of your projector setup that should always be accounted for. No one likes to have a power cable that is too short or bumps into your furniture, so always measure the distance between your projector and the power socket first.

If you find your power cable too short, you can use a power extension in order to reach your electrical socket safely. Make sure the power cable is not tight or hang on the air, as this can cause you to accidentally bump into the cable, damaging both the cable and your projector.

2) Check the State of the Power Cable

Make sure you check the power cable before plugging it into your projector, electrical socket, or power extension. If the cable has any perforations, indentations, or warped conductors - you might want to go on the safe side and discard the power cable.

3) Check the Number of Pins on Your Projector Power Cable

If you are using a new power cable with your projector (e.g. a spare TV power cable), make sure that you have checked the compatibility to your projector. The easiest way to do this is to check the number of pins on the projector end of the power cable, if the pins match the number of holes in the projector’s socket, there comes the compatible power cable that is safe to use.

4) Test Your Projector

Test your setup in order to check that everything is working properly. If you encounter any issues while enjoying your projector experience, we have created a section within this article that might help you.

Are Power Cables Interchangeable?

To answer the question of power cable interchangeability, the short answer is, it depends. If your projector is using a power cable that isn’t integrated into the power supply components of your projector, you might be able to use another one that you have laying around - as well as purchasing a replacement.

If your power cable is integrated into the projector’s power supply components, then it is physically impossible to change power cables freely. What you can do if your projector has an integrated power cable is replace the power supply components - thus changing the integrated power cable.

We recommend you check your projectors power supply specifications and build type in order to assess the compatibility of your power cables. Here are some of the things to look out for when swapping out projector power supply cables: 

  • The voltage of the projector.
  • The number of pins in your projector power cable.
  • The projector’s power consumption in Watts.
  • Type of power cable.
  • Power cable wear & tear.
  • Region-specific conductors.

What to Do If Your Projector’s Power Cable isn’t Working?

If you ran into any problems using your projector power cable, we have made a small list of some of the most common issues and what is the best way to fix them.

1) Make Sure the Power Cable is Inserted in the Socket

This is a very common issue that most people tend to overlook when encountering an issue with projector power cords. In order to fix it, all you have to do is make sure the power cable is inserted in the wall electrical socket and the projector’s power sockets. Some power cables can go loose after prolonged use or outside interference such as pets or moving furniture.

2) Run Some Tests Using A Different Power Cable

Some problems that may arise in your projector experience when using a faulty power cable can be: 

  • A noticeable decrease in audio & video quality.
  • The projector suddenly shuts down.
  • The projector is glitchy or unresponsive.
  • The projector fails to turn on.

The easiest way to fix this issue is by testing your projector with an alternative power cable. If you don’t have a compatible cable laying around somewhere, you can always purchase a replacement. If you purchase a replacement, make sure to buy one that is compatible with your projector build and specifications.

3) Contact Customer Support

If you are having a persisting issue that appears to be unsolvable using any of the methods we have described, we recommend contacting customer support. All projector manufacturers and sellers often offer professional customer support that will be available to help you fix any issue.


Now that you have gained some knowledge and answers regarding your questions about projectors and power cables, we are sure that you’ll be able to enjoy your projector to its full potential.

We took an in-depth look at power cables and their relationship with projectors, as well as seeing the types of projector power cables, their specifications, compatibility, and interchangeability. We also analyzed the importance of power cable length in order to achieve an outstanding projecting experience.

We gave you some tips on how to create a proper setup for your projector and their power cables, including a few tips over what to do if you can’t seem to get your projector power cables to work - or if you are having persisting issues.

Remember that power cables are an essential component of projectors and all other home electronic devices, and with this knowledge, you’ll be perfectly equipped to create the perfect projector set up in any environment.

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