How to Fix Blurry Display of a Projector on the Ceiling?

August 05, 2020

How to Fix Blurry Display of a Projector on the Ceiling?

Over the years, the demand for projectors has drastically increased. People understand its purpose and find it very joyful to have one at home. A projector is basically a device that "projects" a picture on the surface in front. People prefer to use white screens when using a projector for better focus.

However, people often face common problems such as blurriness and have trouble placing the projector in the right position when it comes to permanent projector set up.

If you've ever installed a projector yourself, you must know how tricky it can be. It's not the "where to install” part that is difficult; instead, it's more about "how" to install. As many people lack the knowledge for the specifics; therefore, issues occur during the projector's placement.

Blurry image or display is a common problem when you don’t place the projector properly. There are two ways to place a projector; one by hanging it from the ceiling and the other by placing it on a flat surface in front of the screen. Before jumped in, we have to know how to place the projector properly, as this may result in the image blurriness.

4 Ways to Position Your Projector

We understand it can be tricky when it comes to placing a projector the right way. Many questions pop up and cause more confusion. However, we are going to answers all common questions asked regarding projector installation in this post. All you have to do is go through the points mentioned below to know what to do when you place your projector.

1. Determine the Screen’s Location

  • Find the right wall for the screen.
  • The height of the screen should never be too high.
  • If the seating level is low, the best placement for the projector is 24 to 30 inches above the ground.
  • In case the seating is in the form of rows, just like in a cinema, the height must be a little higher.

2. Determine the Projector’s Location

  • Find out the throw distance.
  • Determine the vertical offset.
  • Find out the lens shift.
  • Once you find out the features mentioned above, you will find it much easier to place the projector.

3. Use the Right Mount

  • Find the right wall mount for your projector; it uses a hook mechanism to hold the projector in place.
  • A cheap mount will make adjustments difficult.
  • High-quality mounts will come with proper installation instructions.
  • A robust and reliable mount will help the projector stay in place on its elevated position for an optimal viewing experience.

4. Adjust the Projector’s Setting

  • The final step of projector placement is to adjust your settings.
  • Always check the manual instructions for a better understanding of the projector's best level for contrast, color, and brightness.
  • Make sure to adjust the image correctly and accurately.
  • Once the projector settings are tuned, go ahead and enjoy your movies, images, etc.

What to do if the Projector Placed from the Ceiling Presenting Blurry Images?

Projectors suspended from ceilings may display a blurry image. The main reason is the improper placement of the projector. Other reasons may include keystone adjustment, incorrect focal length, and when image projection isn’t square.

To solve these issues, it doesn’t take much time. All you have to do is follow a few basic steps for optimal viewing experience.

  • Make sure the image projection is in a square. This means the projector’s placement must be correct. Position the projector such that the left and right sides of the screen are in the same length. The up and downside of the screen must also be in the same length (remember, all four sides of a square are equal).
  • Reducing the keystone correction of the projector will also help. If the keystone adjustment angle is too wide, the image gets distorted, as the light path changes and drifts away from the clear point. To fix it, physically adjust the lens at a higher or lower position depending on the positioning of the screen.
  • You can also adjust the focal length to move the lens from one point of focus to another when needed.

Other Reasons for Blurriness When the Projector is Suspended from the Ceiling

As mentioned earlier, you may face some issues when the projector is suspended from the ceiling, such as blurriness in the lower part. Apart from the reasons mentioned above, it happens due to many other reasons, and there are several ways to resolve this problem. We are going to cover the reasons for blurriness when the projector is suspended from the ceiling before looking at the ways to solve them.

1. Surrounding Problems

Sometimes, the cause of a blurry display on the projector doesn't necessarily indicate an issue with the projector. In some cases, the room where the projector is doesn't have suitable surroundings. For instance, leaving the shades or blinds open can cause the light from outside the room to enter the space and make the image blurry. Other than this, the wrong lighting system can also be a good reason for blurriness to occur.

2.The Projector’s Lens

In most of the cases, a blurry display means there is something wrong with the lens. The lens may lack the proper focus needed to make the display look clearer. This indicates that you did not adjust the lens to the right setting in the first place. Besides, if the lens is dirty or dusty, it can lead to a blurry vision. Condensation is also another reason for blurriness to occur.

3.The Projector’s Angle

Many people overlook the need to adjust the projector's angle properly. The only way you will allow your projector to display high-quality images and videos is by positioning it at the right angle. If the projector is pointing towards the screen at an angle besides 90 degrees, you will surely see a poor quality image. This may result in parts of the screen to stretch or even disappear.

4.The Projector’s Cabling

Cabling is the most common method used during presentations; however, the use of computers and laptops has now gradually increased. Having a weak or unreliable cable for data connection can result in bad image quality. Other than this, maintaining image quality with cables longer than 10 meters can be quite difficult.

What to Do to Solve These Issues?

Blurry or poor quality images can be a big nuisance during a presentation. However, you can avoid this issue as many solutions can help maintain clear and great image quality.

Method 1: Adjust the Projector’s Focus

Mostly, blurriness occurs due to the improper focus of the projector. You can solve it very easily as all it takes is to use the controls and adjust the focus. You can either adjust the focus until the image projected becomes clear or use the manual to find the right setting.

Method 2: Always Keep the Lens Clean

Dirty and dusty lenses will never let your projector work efficiently. Always make sure to clean the lens and try to keep your projector away from dust. If you want to avoid condensation, just make sure to let the projector temperature settle before taking it from a cold to warm room.

Method 3: Position the Projector Close to the Screen

The best way to avoid blurriness is to place the project perfectly in line with the screen. It should never be too far, too high, or too low. By positioning the projector closer to the screen with the perfect angle, you won't face any blurriness during any presentation.

Method 4: Tuning the Projector

It is quite common for people not to focus on the projector setting and avoid adjusting it to the right contrast, sharpness, and brightness level. If you don't use the right setting, not only will you find the image to be unclear, but the viewing experience will also not be as comfortable as you want it to be. Always adjust the projector's image settings to your preference and use the manual to understand the projector's settings.

Method 5: Using the Right Cabling and Resolution

It is important to use the right type of cables when you use your laptop or computer. Usually, people don't pay much attention to the cable's length or reliability and tend to complain about the quality of the image. So, if you want to avoid such cases of blurriness during an important presentation, make sure to use the right cable and match the computer and projector's resolution to some extent for better quality.

Method 6: Adjusting the Room Setting

Many people overlook the importance of having a proper setting in the room for the projector. In case you don’t know, projectors do not properly operate if there is any sort of visual barrier. These barriers mostly occur due to unwanted lighting.

Therefore, if you want to avoid these lighting issues, make sure to have a good lighting setting in the room. The right color and angles of the light will ensure the quality of the image. However, too bright lights could come in the way of the projector, so avoid them. Not only this, but also be sure to close out any openings that could let light in, for instance, the blinds or shades.


Today, people use projectors for various reasons apart from office presentations; for instance, they might use it during a movie night for entertainment purposes or in a classroom for educational purposes. When placing projectors, people often overlook many important factors, such as the right location, using the right wall mount, adjusting the room settings, etc.

It doesn't matter what you use it for, but what matters is that you don't have to deal with poor image quality when you do. Therefore, the placement of a projector is highly important. It not only makes it comfortable for the viewers but also ensures a high-quality image. Other than this, be sure that your projector's angle is just right and try to keep it clean to avoid any blurriness or visual distortion.

In cases where the blurriness isn't getting better but is worsening, you might need to contact the manufacturer of the projector for assistance. This could be an issue within the project which you cannot solve on your own.

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