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January 18, 2020
If you’re looking for a fantastic way to enjoy 4K HDR content, a projector is an interesting solution. For some homes, a projector provides a better way to get high-resolution quality across a larger size for not much most cost.
Importantly, projectors are perfect for consuming visual media. Whether you want to take your gaming to the next level, view photos, or of course watch movies and videos in 4K, a home cinema projector could be the answer to your needs.
Of course, the best reason to get a cinema projector is that you can have a 100-inch plus screen right there in your living room!
Despite the obvious benefits of a home projector, many people never take the big step of buying one. Even many AV enthusiasts keep putting it off and just make do with a big TV. That’s because there are some misconceptions surrounding projectors. Consumers believe projectors are expensive, hard to maintain, and hard to install and setup.
Luckily, they are none of these things and in this article, we will bust some of those myths and explain how a home cinema projector can change the way you consume visual media. Moreover, we’ll also take a look at which home projectors are best for beginners.
Below are some of the best projectors you should consider for your home theater setup.
Vankyo is a brand that is helping to redefine the home projector market. The company is creating best inexpensive projectors with outstanding specs, but at the fraction of the cost compared to other models. For example, the Vankyo Performance V620 will transform your home cinema experience without breaking the bank.
Indeed, the Performance V620 boasts native 1080p resolution and the capability to have a screen as large as 200 inches. Furthermore, it’s 6000 lux and 5000:1 contrast ratio ensures an excellent level of image performance.
Vankyo has also added some of the best on-board speakers on the projector market thanks to Dual Stereo speakers. Importantly, all these high-level specifications are available for less than $300.
As the name suggests, the Performance V630 is the bigger brother of the Performance 620. This home projector provides cutting edge specifications to create one of the most complete home cinema solutions available.
This is a native 1080p projector that has 6500 lux and a 5000:1 contrast ratio for the most crisp and clear image reproduction possible. If you want a massive screen size, the Performance 630 is the ideal solution as it can project up to 300 inches. In other words, this projector is cinema-like quality.
We like that the Performance V630 uses advanced electronic keystone correction technology, and an innovative cooling system. With this advanced technology, the projector runs at optimum performance at all times. Amazingly, the Vankyo V630 costs around $250.
If you want a top-tier grade A device then the LG CineBeam HU80KSW should be on your list. Firstly, this is a true all-in-one projector which will be able to completely replace your smart TV thanks to built-in speakers and power plug.
As you would expect from one of the best home projectors, the LG CineBeam is expensive at around $2,000. However, you really get what you pay for with some amazing specs and performance. For instance, the 4K HDR display looks amazing, with a slightly neutral color reproduction. LG has added 2,500 lumens for a wonderfully bright and sharp viewing experience.
Other noteworthy details of the LG CineBeam model is its built-in Harman Kardon speakers that deliver world-class audio. LG says the screen is good for 20,000 hours of use before you will start to see image degradation.
BenQ is a leader in the home projector market and the company’s HT3550 is one of the best available. While this is a high-end projector, it is more affordable than the LG CineBeam at around $1,250. For the 2019 generation, the HT3550 delivers some interesting features and we love the slick new design.
In terms of raw details, the BenQ HT3550 has some memorable specifications. For example, it allows a screen size up to 120 inches and can maintain 2,000 lumens even at that upper limit. Perhaps the standout feature is contrast ratio - which is an impressive 30,000:1 - allowing for some amazing dynamic image control.
It’s not quite as bright as some other projectors in the price range, but color quality is crisp and sharp.
Of course, not everyone has thousands of dollars to drop on a projector. For those looking to create a quality home cinema experience on a budget, the Anker Prizm II is an excellent choice. With a price tag in the range of $300, this is a solid projector even if you will need to make some compromises compared to more expensive models.
One of those compromises is the aesthetics of the device. Simply put, the Anker Prizm is plain next to more expensive projectors. It’s not ugly but instead looks rather nondescript and bulky. You also won’t be getting 4K here, so if you need your projector to play Blu-rays in full definition this is not the device for you.
That said, the 1080p Full HD output is very good, delivering a solid image quality. If you’re on a budget and understand the limitations of what you’re buying, the Anker Prizm II makes an excellent entry-level solution.
The Optoma UHD51A is a fantastic home cinema projector that has one amazing killer feature. This is a voice-activated projector thanks to an integration with Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant. It’s worth noting this tool is far more than a gimmick and functions seamlessly within a home cinema environment.
For example, it is just fantastic to be able to speak a voice command to play a movie on Netflix, or to access a part of your projector’s system.
However, at around $1,200, the Optoma UHD51A needs to do more than just listen to you. Thankfully, it does! This is an excellent all-round projector and provides 4K resolution at a lower cost to many other UHD beamers.
As you have seen with the Prizm II, Anker is aiming to fulfill market niches with its range of affordable projectors. The Nebula Capsule II Mini Project fits that goal. As the name suggests, this is a small-sized home projector that is much more portable than others on this list. It is also affordable at around $300.
Again, this is a budget-friendly projector that comes with some compromises. Perhaps the biggest is the resolution, with the Nebula Capsule II only providing 720p HD output. Sure, that’s not great but it is a gateway into home cinema projection.
However, we have also been surprised by how much Anker has packed into this mini portable projector. It boasts a full-sized HDMI port, a USB-C charging port, and Android TV with 3,600 available apps. And then there’s that size (about the same as a can of Coca Cola), which makes this a truly portable projector you can take anywhere.
When considering a home projector, there are factors you should look at beyond just price and size. In fact, the specifications of the projector will determine the overall quality of the viewing experience.
For a good measurement, darker rooms lesser lumen counts such as 1,200 would be great. For brighter or more dynamic lighting environments, 2,000 or higher will provide the best results. It is worth noting projectors with higher lumen counts are better because you can adjust them to function in low-light conditions.
Sure, contrast ratio is not a vital component of project screen quality. However, it could cause a poor display if the ratio is too low. What’s too low? Well, anything under 1000:1 should be avoided and anything above is good to go. Naturally, the higher the contrast ratio the better the projector will handle color differentiation and accuracy.
There’s no doubt about it, higher resolutions deliver a better image that is more detailed and clearer. Although, before charging into buying the first 4K projector you find, it’s worth considering what you need.
Do you have any content that needs 4K? For example, Blu-ray discs or Netflix in 4K. If the answer is yes and you use these a lot, then opting for a 4K projector is a good idea. That said, perhaps your internet connection is not good enough to stream 4K from Netflix and you’ve never collected Blu-rays.
If you have no need for a 4K projector the only reason to buy one would be for future-proofing your content needs. It is worth noting 4K projectors are more expensive than 1080p Full HD models. Full HD should be a minimum requirement for full home cinema projectors as it offers good quality over 720p HD.
That’s not to say you should completely ignore 720p. If you need a projector that is portable or you are on a tight budget, 720p (HD) can be a compromise worth accepting.
As you can see, there are numerous quality home cinema projectors for beginners. Here’s the exciting part, the devices listed above only scratch the surface! There are dozens of models worth checking out. Perhaps the most interesting thing about home projectors is they are more versatile than a TV and don’t cost more.
When you get on board with home projectors, you will be hooked. With the ability to create a massive screen size and maintain resolution, these displays can transform your home viewing experience.
January 17, 2020
Some of the best home projectors on the market cost thousands of dollars. However, there are many affordable models also available. One question we are often asked is whether it is worth buying an expensive projector over a more affordable one? While it would be simple to just say yes, there are aspects of a projector that must be considered.
Explaining why an expensive projector is best will naturally get a bit technical. Tools and features such as contrast ratio, pixel count, and lumens are important, but the resolution is arguably the defining factor.
So, is it worth paying more to get a better resolution?
You have probably heard of one or all of the resolution types, SVGA, XGA, WUXGA, 1080p, and 4K UHD. What do these mean, and which is the right resolution for you?
In its simplest terms, the resolution is the number of pixels that a projector can display in a single image. Pixels are individual dots on a screen, combined they create the projected picture. Basically, the more pixels that can fit onto the image, the higher the resolution.
This is important because more pixels result in higher levels of detail on an image, allowing for more clarity. However, on its own pixel count does not contribute to overall image quality, because the aspect ratio is also important. The aspect ratio can change the number of pixels, even across the same resolution.
For the consumer, higher resolutions are desirable, which is why 1080p Full HD and even 4K have become popular. And yes, while 8K resolution is making its way into the technological mainstream it has not yet been included in home projectors.
Importantly, when looking for a home projector you should remember that every model has what’s called a “true” or “native” resolution. This is the number of pixels the projector can project. So, a Full HD projector will have a true resolution of 1920 horizontal pixels and 1080 vertical pixels (hence 1080p), for a total of 2,073, 600 pixels.
Native resolution capacity will determine how sharp and detailed the image is. Furthermore, this number will also reflect how well your projector can interact with a third-party device like a PC. Basically, if your PC has a lower resolution (such as 720p), the image your projector is capable of sending out will be reduced.
You’ll still get an image, but it will be compromised in terms of resolution. Luckily, most modern PCs and laptops have at least 1080p resolution support. So, if you buy a 1080p projector you will likely reach its full resolution capacity.
Again, the simple answer is yes but it comes with a caveat. It depends entirely on what you need your projector to do. If you plan on watching movies in high definition or playing games, then a Full HD or even 4K projector is a must. Alternatively, if you’re on a budget, a 720p projector will be ultra-affordable and will still perform solidly.
It is worth remembering that all projectors need an input device, like a laptop, tablet, or PC. It is important that the resolution support on your input device can match the native resolution of your projector. As mentioned, most modern devices are designed to send information to your PC in 1080p resolution or higher.
4K is a bit of a curveball. Home projectors that support 4K are readily available, but they are also expensive. Likewise, input devices like 4K laptops are also available but incredibly expensive. If you watch Blu-rays or stream 4K content on Netflix and YouTube, futureproofing your home cinema setup may be worth it.
Interestingly, there is also another resolution sat between Full HD and 4K. It’s called Quad HD and has a 1440p resolution. It is used across many smartphone flagship devices and is available on 4K home projectors.
Whatever you want to use your home projector for, you’ll want it to have a native resolution that helps you get the most from your content. Interestingly, whether you have Full HD, Quad HD, or 4K, there are benefits to be had.
Many people argue the human eye can only match detail up to 1080p Full HD. In other words, any resolution beyond this is simply overkilling. It’s unclear whether this is a myth, but it is obvious there is a visible difference between 1080p and 4K gaming.
1080p remains an excellent resolution for gaming, especially if you are just starting. Not least because PC gaming remains the only place you're going to get meaningful 4K gaming. Sure, consoles are slowly adopting 4K, but it remains expensive.
Even affordable gaming PCs output in 1080p, while consoles such as Xbox One and PS4 do the same. This means you will be able to affordably buy and set up a project that has a Full HD resolution.
If you are looking to buy a home projector for movies or TV shows, considering a 4K device may be worth it. There are more ways to get 4K content, such as from Netflix, YouTube, and Blu-ray discs. For movie enthusiasts, a 4K projector is a good choice.
Nevertheless, 1080p Full HD remains a good choice for users who may not have access to 4K content. Perhaps you don’t have a fast enough internet connection to stream 4K on Netflix or YouTube, and maybe you don’t collect Blu-rays.
Needless to say, if you don’t consume 4K content then the only reason you should buy a 4K projector is for futureproofing. Interestingly, the majority of modern movies are run in a 16:9 aspect ratio in either 720p (HD) or 1080p (Full HD). However, most movies are finished in 2K (Quad HD) resolution so any projector that handles Full HD, Quad HD, or 4K will be good for movies and TV.
Home theater projectors are perfect for sports because they have contrast ratios that make them ideal. Sports content often pushes screen technology because of uniformed colors (think of a green football field) that can expose poor image quality.
Again, a 1080p Full HD project is a fantastic choice because you’ll get clarity in color accuracy and smooth pixel performance. Furthermore, the price of Full HD projectors and input devices such as laptops is very affordable. If you want to create an enviable sports viewing setup for a low cost, 1080p remains the undisputed choice.
So, what about 4K for sports? Well, there are not many sports broadcasters who are sending out content in 4K resolution. Sure, you could prepare for the future by buying a 4K projector now, but it would be expensive without you getting the immediate benefits.
Whether you’re setting up an outdoor cinema in your yard or taking a projector on a camping trip, having a high-quality image is important. Here’s the problem with using projectors outdoors, it needs to be dark. Simply, the sun is too bright for just about any large screen, so wait until it goes down to the projector (also, check out what we have to say about lumens below).
Yet again, 1080p is the go-to if you want an excellent experience. However, even 720p remains a solid performer in an outdoor night setting. In fact, most resolutions work well as the most important thing for outdoor projection is arguably brightness.
As we have seen, screen resolution is variable and diverse and can change depending on the device in question. Because there are many resolutions available, people tend to be confused about the differences between 720p, 1080p, and 4K.
Before we look at direct comparisons, check out this quick explainer:
Resolution |
Pixels (Horizontal x Vertical) |
Other names |
480p |
852 x 480 |
Standard Definition |
720p |
1,280 x 720 |
High Definition, HD |
1080p |
1,920 x 1,080 |
FHD, Full HD |
4K |
3,840 X 2,160 |
Ultra HD, Ultra High-Definition |
The numbers on a resolution that ends with p (480p, 720p, 1080p) represent the number of horizontal lines an image can display from top to bottom. This means a 480p projector has 480 lines available and each line has 852 pixels. 720p has 720 lines with 1,280 pixels across each line. In other words, a 720p screen will be around twice as sharp compared to 480p.
The main difference between 720p and 1080p projectors is the number of pixels when two images are compared. Regular HD projectors are becoming less common as Full HD becomes the normal resolution. However, there are some examples available, especially in the budget market.
Like the two comparisons above, the main difference between 1080p and 4K is the number of lines and pixels than can be displayed. However, the difference between these two resolutions is larger than we have previously seen.
Resolution is undoubtedly an important part of creating an amazing home projector experience. However, as we have explained above, simply having a high resolution does not automatically mean the best viewing experience. Carefully consider what you want your projector for and match your needs to the best resolution for you.
January 14, 2020 1 Comment
Quality LED home projectors have taken entertainment experience to a different level by giving you a movie theater experience inside your own home. A home projector can be an incredible option for those who are tired of standard LED TVs, and the best-LED home projector can significantly enhance the quality of your picture.
However, there are tons of home projectors available in the market, which could make it quite challenging to decide which device would be perfect for your needs. If you want a home projector that offers the best viewing experience but needs to spend less, this post is for you. Below is our budget LED home projectors for home entertainment. They vary widely in size, features, and brightness, but they all have one thing in common, which is quality performance.
If you are on the market for the best home projector for home theater and gaming, consider the Epson Home Cinema 1060 Full HD 1080p. Offering a widespread Full HD 1080p, this home projector is designed to provide incredible solid value and entertainment resolution. The device can work brilliantly for a great variety of lighting conditions, which ensures your entertainment doesn’t get compromised.
The home projector also provides versatile connectivity options, which include dual HDMI ports for easier connection. Plus, you can easily connect your home projectors to a variety of devices like streaming devices, satellite box, blue ray disc player, and even gaming console – thanks to its reliable and built-in WiFi connectivity. And with the presence of innovative 3LCD technology, you don’t have to worry about any rainbow effect at all.
In addition, the device boasts of a whopping 3100 lumens, and it is well designed to support HC of about 2080. Besides the astonishing brightness of the projector, it also offers uniformity, which allows you to have the best viewing experience.
The Vankyo Performance V630 is a budget-friendly, powerful LED projector suitable for both home theaters and business/classroom presentations. One of the most important parts of any projector is the quality of the image, and this device offers 1080p Full HD resolution, which is incredible. With the projector, you can easily get a crystal-clear picture with a focus adjustable dial.
Moreover, you may not need to make any adjustments to the default settings since it comes with impressive clarity and color presentation. It is the best LED home projector that offers a sound level of image quality. It is also equipped with a 6,000 LUX brightness level, and with the quality of the lamp, the device can last up to 10 years without giving you any issue. And a full HD projection can have a screen size up to 25 feet wide.
This versatile device comes with two HDMI ports, which allow you to project HD contents using devices like laptops and smartphones. The home projector provides other external connectivity options like SD card, USB flash drive, or hard drive. It also has the option for a 3.5mm AV port, VGA, and a 3.5mm headphone port.
The Vankyo Leisure 3W projector is a home projector for indoor entertainment with a great set of connection choices – the process is quite easier, and you won’t have difficulty connecting with a Blue-ray, DVD, iPhone, tablet, TV Box, etc. The video quality of this home projector is one of the best we have seen in budget LED home projectors for home entertainment, and the image quality is also above par.
If one of the primary reasons you opted for a home projector is to watch movies, this model is a worthy option. It is known for offering immersive viewing experience thanks to its brightness technologies. With bold colors and contrast, the device creates a cinema type environment.
The projector also comes with a powerful built-in speaker that offers an excellent auditory sense experience even when you don’t use external speakers. And with the latest tech, lamp consumption can be minimized to extend lamp life to a maximum of 50000 hours. Additionally, the projector boasts of an advanced noise suppression technology, making it one of the best quiet projectors in the market.
BenQ W1090 projector offers us a Full HD projector of 1080p X 1920p which is compatible with 3D technology. Even if we notice the absence of lens-shift, image interpolation, and iris, it has a built-in speaker of one of 10 W with an audio amplifier which assures him very clear and clear audio performances.
It has a brightness of 2000 ANSI Lumens, which allows it to project high-quality images with remarkable contrasts and all this without compression or reduction of scale. The brand has reinforced the color wheel of this video projector (6X Speed RGBRGB). This reinforcement gives it a speed six times higher than that of its predecessor and for its optimization in-depth, it used BrilliantColor technology. The combination of these two criteria allows the device to broadcast images with absolute clarity and we note at the same time the absence of rainbow effects.
It has dimensions of 21.48 x 34.62 x 10.17 cm for a weight of 2.75 kg and a power of 270 watts which makes it relatively space-saving and above all energy-efficient.
If you want a home projector that gives you an excellent brightness and clarity at an affordable price, then the VANKYO Performance V620 is a great choice. This projector offers a native resolution of 1080P and a brightness of up to 6000 lux. With that, you can get the right balance in light and color – so expect clear images from the projector.
Additionally, if you are concerned about the audio output of a home projector, this device can be ideal for your needs – its dual speakers can provide a stereophonic sound, which balances between playing games or viewing videos. Plus, the projector comes with a couple of connectivity-related accessories. And with the help of its VGA, HDMI, and USB port, you have access to connect your projector to a range of external devices.
The home projector also has user-friendly features like a remote controller, which makes it easier to use. The device is also fortified with an advanced cooling system that allows it to work for a longer period without getting heated. In addition, the LED lamp can last up to 50,000 hours of projection. Besides, it also comes with a good warranty.
With the ViewSonic 3600 Lumens XGA High Brightness Projector, you can enjoy bright pictures in several different settings. The 3600 lumens that come with the home projector can overcome ambient light in almost any situation — making it the perfect machine for home, classrooms, and boardrooms presentation. It boasts of SuperColor technology that offers displayable color in images with extremely high accuracy.
The native resolution of 1024 x 768 XGA is suitable for showing several documents and files, and it is also compatible with video signals up to 1920 x 1200 for higher resolution sources. The device features a 1.96 to 2.15:1 throw ratio; this allows you to place the device near the back of the room in several installations.
The projector has one HDMI input that allows you to connect digital high-definition sources such as HD cable boxes and Blu-ray players. It also comes with VGA inputs for analog options, and this VGA output allows you to daisy-chain several home projectors so they can show the same source. The analog output and input with the 2W speaker will make sure audio works well with your video.
With the reduction in the price of a home projector, they have indeed become a big hit among homeowners, especially those that want to enjoy large images or video at cheap prices. Technology has made modern projectors more affordable and efficient.
All the budget LED home projectors discussed above are quite affordable compared to the impressive features being offered. You can easily check on any of the products above to select the best one for you.
January 11, 2020
Being able to watch your favorite TV shows or movies in your home on a massive screen, with all your friends is an exciting prospect. With the quality of home cinema projectors available on the market, it has never been easier to create incredible entertainment in almost any living space. If you are thinking about purchasing a home projector for movies to make your cinema experience more enjoyable, then there are a couple of things you need to know before you choose one.
Home projectors for movies come in a variety of shapes and sizes and range in price based on a number of factors. In this article, we will focus on how to choose a home projector for movies that meet your needs.
A person who is fond of movies won’t settle for anything less than their own dedicated home cinema room, equipped by an AV specialist who will take care of almost everything. But there are other options. Home projectors today allow you to convert any space in your home into an entertainment zone that can challenge a dedicated home cinema room. Elegantly styled, remarkably quiet, and reliable, they don’t have to collide with other everyday activities.
However, to choose the best home projector for movies, you need to determine the size of the room where the device will be used. The position of the home projector and its maximum distance to the screen is a vital consideration when selecting this device. For small to medium space, the distance from the device to the screen is usually between 1.5m and 2.5m. For more prominent space, a Standard throw ratio projector can project a 100-inch screen from a distance between 2.5m and 4m.
The right home projector brings more emotion and thrills to every movie, from a classic reissue to old favorites and latest releases. The resolution of the home projector determines the quality of the pictures it produces. A home projector with a higher resolution can project images with better detail levels, thus improving your viewing experience. As you are going to use a home projector for movies, it is recommended that you consider a unit with at least an HD resolution (1920x1080p). Most of the movies available today are in HD resolution.
You can also consider home projectors for movies that have a 4K UHD or True 4K resolutions if your Blu-Ray player supports them. However, this type of projector is quite expensive but can project pictures with a great detail level. There is a different class of 4K UHD projectors available, and they use different mechanisms for projecting pictures, and this dictates the image quality.
True 4K home projectors, on the other hand, are top of the line offerings which has better screen resolution than the 4K UHD projectors. However, the true 4K home projectors are the most expensive of the lot, but the pictures projected by this device are equally incredible. So, unless you are satisfied with washed-out images that lack punchy highlights and deep blacks, you must go for at least an HD resolution projector.
If you want to get the best movie experience, you need to pair your home projector with a screen that is up to the task. There is a lot of choices out there, from motorized drop-down screens to a wall-mounted model. You might want to skip purchasing the right screen and project images onto a white wall instead. The chance that even a spotless looking white wall will be truly flat is low. Besides, those tiny imperfections can cause shadows that cause disorder with getting a truly crisp image.
Moreover, ordinary white paint can’t reflect projected light accurately and brightly as a specially-coated screen. That said, a black surface is more suitable when you truly want to capture the darker colors of bright pictures. And since black surfaces absorb more light than white surfaces, blacks are more suitable when you are in a setting with ambient light.
But since you will be watching a lot of movies, you can go for a gray surface. Gray surfaces are suitable because they balance shadows and highlights of images, thus offering an image that maintains a good contrast. Matte is also a great option for home theater, as it reduces glare at the loss of color saturation and cost of image dullness.
Movie directors will tell you that sound is important as what is on the screen. So, it’s not a surprise that commercial cinemas have sophisticated sound systems that flood audiences from all angles with thundering bass and ear-shattering volume. Luckily, you can achieve incredible results without hurting your pocket.
However, how this impact your choice of a home projector for movies is dependent on your technical set-up. For instance, some home projectors only have an audio-in port. You will need an audio-out port to connect up speakers. But there is a way around that; you could instead connect speakers to your media player, which usually comes with an audio-out port. For instance, if playing via a PC, you can just plug the speakers into the PC.
To summarize, you can expect a great video when you purchase a home projector and don’t consider a sound system. But when you include standard audio, you won’t be disappointed. So, if you are looking for incredible audio to go along with your audio, you will need to get a set of an external sound system to deck out your entertainment system. Moreover, you can use wireless speakers to get the level of volume you desire. Plus, you can consider tricks like laying rugs in your movie room rather than bare floors to absorb redundant sound reflections.
Home projectors work best when viewers can watch their movies in darkness. The more light from doors or windows that enter your home theater, the dimmer your home projected picture will be. The image brightness is determined by the number of lumens in the home projector, with most projectors for movies ranging from 1000 to 2500, you can purchase a home projector with fewer lumens.
However, when you submerge the room in complete darkness, you and your audience may struggle to find your drinks and snacks. So, little ambient light might help during the show. For instance, you can keep the light sources towards the back of the cinema room, where they won’t have an impact on the screen. You can also fine-tune lighting levels using dimmers or go a step further with a state-of-the-art room automation system, with which you can adjust light, room climate, sound, and other functions from a dedicated control, tablet, or smartphone.
All the things we have talked about so far won’t do you a lot of good if you don’t have the right device which is capable of playing your movies. This could involve as much as creating a home theater PC or as little as purchasing a Blu-ray player. You should have no issue to buy a Blu-ray player, but if you want to build a home theater PC, you have tons of options.
For instance, installing XBMC and jailbreaking the Apple TV 2 is a simple, great solution. Moreover, you can always run Linux or Windows on the same hardware. And you can buy less RAM, purchase a smaller hard drive, swap in a slower processor, and so on if you want to save some money.
The good thing about home projectors for movies is they require little maintenance. We would recommend that you use some compressed air to blow the dust out of the vents every few months to prevent buildups that reduce internal airflow. You will also want to make sure that the projector lens is very clean before using it, a bit of microfiber cloth and alcohol work perfect to clean it of any debris and dust.
You may also want to check for any dust filters. A couple of the bigger movie projectors will have these installed close to the vent to stop dust from entering. Finally, you need to learn how to replace the bulb once it burns out – this process involves removing a few screws, popping out the old bulb, and fixing the new bulb, and closing it back. Although some homeowners prefer purchasing a replacement bulb with their first order, it might be better to wait because the bulb might not need replacement in the next ten years.
A quality home theater for movies can create an incredible image quality to optimize family enjoyment and movie fun in a variety of environments. There are a lot of things that go into selecting a home projector for movies, but now we have provided you with detailed information you need to know to choose and use a projector.
So, whether you are a home cinema connoisseur or new to home projectors for movies, use this guide to find the right device for a whole new visual experience.
January 09, 2020
Projectors today have raised the gaming experience to a whole new level. And finding the right gaming projector has the potential to improve your gaming experience. The ability to project your video game to a bigger screen will allow you to an exclusive gaming experience. However, there are many projectors available today, and some of these devices are less than desirable for gaming.
If you are not sure about what you need in a projector for gaming, don't worry, we got you covered. In this post, we'll tell you what you need to know to choose the right option for your needs. Now, let's take a look at how you can choose a home projector for gaming suitable for your needs.
Assuming you own a gaming monitor, then the odds of you knowing what refresh rates are and their importance is very high. But if you don't know what refresh rates are, it's all right – refresh rates are the number of times your screen is refreshed per second and the higher your rate, the better experience you get with smooth gameplay which is free from roughness even when you play games that are intense on graphics.
So, the refresh rates your projector for gaming requires depends on your needs. Although we recommend the 120Hz, but also admit that a refresh rate of 60Hz can also get the job done without cutting any corners. With response time, you need the lowest time possible because higher response times result in image blurring and motion artifacts when playing graphics-intensive games with repeated camera movement.
However, projector manufacturers rarely disclose the response times of their projectors, so you may have to do some digging to find the response times of any particular projector for gaming. As a matter of fact, unless you are used to playing games on high-quality gaming monitors, you might not notice the difference. Otherwise, any high-quality home projector will have enough response time for your needs. All in all, while it will cost more to make sure you get the right response time and refresh rates, it can make your projector deliver a better gaming experience.
Video games today are becoming more cinematic, which is why the projector resolution is crucial. The gaming world is slowing changing from Full HD to 4K as the prevailing resolution. However, the transition has been a bit slow due to the sheer hardware power needed to play games at a native 4K resolution. Ultimately, you shouldn't select any projector for gaming under 1080p. SVGA and XGA projectors are more suitable for business and classroom presentations, so they just won't cut it for gaming.
So, if you want the best results without spending too much, go for a true HD projector for gaming, with a native 1080p resolution – this resolution will make sure you get the best image quality. Fortunately, a full HD projector for gaming is becoming more and more affordable. And if you have extra cash to spare, you can keep a projector for gaming with 4K capacities in mind.
Look for a projector for gaming that features a game mode setting. And in some devices, it is also referred to as "fast mode." One of the issues with home projectors that are not mainly designed for gaming is a lag time – this is the time it takes for your game to load and play.
This is because advanced gaming graphics use more resources than standard video. Images that freeze up or lag time could be unacceptable in the gaming world. However, you may have to sacrifice a little bit of picture quality when using this setting, but responsiveness and improved speed mean you will live to fight another day.
Contrast ratio is also another performance measure for choosing the right projector for gaming. When it comes to a home projector for gaming, the higher the contrast ratio, the better. While the contrast ratio won't significantly affect the quality of your gaming experience, a projector with a higher contrast ratio will give your pictures a greater depth, especially when playing in darker scenes.
Moreover, if your home projector contrast ratio is not high enough, the latest games might not look good – its either the impressive over-saturated lights effects lose all their power or the shadows are too light. If you do play games in well-lit space, you will want to push for a higher contrast ratio or dim the surroundings.
When you are shopping for a new home projector for gaming, a good benchmark for getting the right contrast ratio is about 15000:1; this means you will get a gaming experience that has depth and deep blacks. Besides, if you get a home projector with good resolution and lots of brightness, you can get away with a contrast ratio of about 40,000:1.
Lumens are the measure of brightness, and the brightness of a projector is usually determined on two factors – the ambient light and screen size. For example, if your gaming room receives a fair amount of sunlight during the day, you may need to go for a brighter gaming projector. Home projectors for gaming with a brightness rating of 3,000 lumens or more would be suitable for a gaming room with a lot of natural light. On the other hand, you can choose a projector with less brightness rating if your space is very dark.
In addition, screen size can also determine the brightness you will need for your gaming projector. The general rule is that the bigger the screen sizes, the more brightness you require. So, if you want a huge image, you will need a brighter home projector for gaming, especially in the gaming room, with a lot of ambient light. For instance, the massive screens of about 100+ inches demand brighter projectors with gaming, which is rated at 3,000 lumens or higher. Moreover, a smaller screen from about 50-100 inches requires a gaming projector rated at 1000-2000 lumens.
There are multiple types of gaming projectors, which include long throw, short throw, and ultra-short throw. This usually refers to the distance between the image on the screen and the gaming projector. Projectors with long throws are usually cheaper but often limited to the size of the gaming room you have. Ultra-short throws are often used for displaying presentations for classroom or business meetings.
The most common throw distance is the short throws and is the most suitable option for a home projector for gaming, especially if you are a tall individual playing a game using Xbox connect or PlayStation eye. So, make sure you check out the throw ratio listed on the information for the gaming projectors, before choosing one.
The screen has a significant impact on how the quality of the images and contents will be produced. The way the screen receives and projects an image is way very important for anyone – this is true, but it also depends on the way you use the projector. So, if you plan to use your gaming projector while moving from one place to another, you may not have control over the type of screen you choose.
Nonetheless, you could control the other types of home projector screen you have around. You may decide to get a roll-out screen on a tripod that is easy to move and set up anywhere. And if you favor a fixed set-up, then you can consider buying a special screen or using a distinct projector screen paint on the wall you'll be projecting your content on.
Projectors for gaming are a costly investment, but they come in a wide range of prices. It is more important to get the best home projector for gaming you can afford without breaking the bank. Also, don't go shopping without considering extra gaming items you will have to purchase as well. Projector stands, 3D lasses, and screens are just a few of the extra items that you may need to buy to better enjoy your new projector for gaming.
You have a lot to consider when choosing your home projector for gaming, because each factor from resolution to brightness will drive costs, so you need to decide the part of the home projector for gaming that are most important to you and how much you are willing to spend. With all that being said, you can choose a good quality home projector for gaming for less than $1000.
Those who have played games using a gaming projector will say that you are missing out on the best gaming experience. If you are looking to stay ahead of your opponents and keep up with the high-tech gaming world, then it is time to get one of the best home projectors for gaming.
If you use the tips above, you are going to find the home projector for gaming that is perfect for your lifestyle. Also, ensure you include everything you need when shopping for the right product.
January 07, 2020
If you imagine that it is easy to install a projector in a living room to place a TV, well you are wrong! Unfortunately, it is much more complicated than you’ve imagined, and there are a lot of pitfalls to avoid if you want the result to live up to your expectations. However, when you overcome all the obstacles, the viewing experience will be more exciting and fantastic than you could expect it with a large TV.
Are you dreaming about a cinema-like experience in your living room? Then Follow this guide to learn some practical skills, we’re sure that you’ll soon make your dream come true!
A living room is not always suitable for projection, simply because it has a white ceiling and clear walls. Maybe you have noticed that commercial cinemas have a black ceiling and a dark background. Of course, this is not by chance. The dark environment can help reduce the ambient light to exhibit the contrast of the image. The darker the room is, the better the image quality will be.
However, as it is tricky to darken your living room to the most, there are other solutions, particularly that of using a technical fabric.
These technical fabrics, or light-controlled fabrics, are of great service because they allow almost any living room to be transformed into a cinema, without changing the decoration of the room.
But, once you have chosen your technical fabric, there remains the problem of the chassis: fixed or rolling screen? If your living room is relatively dark, or if you can get it dark quickly, you can do without a TV completely and opt for a fixed screen. In this case, a “monochrome table” style screen is particularly elegant in a living room.
But you can also choose a roll-up screen, the canvas of which will unfold in front of your TV, a very common option! You have the perfect illustration with the carousel of images on the left (scroll through the photos).
To understand a subject or try to figure out something, nothing will be more efficient than reading its definition. So what is “throw distance” and why does it matter? A projector’s throw distance refers to the distance from the projector lens to the screen, and it has direct impact on the screen size. Together these two elements decide the seating and lighting conditions. Meanwhile, they’re proportional. If you position the projector close to the screen, you will get a small-sized image. On the contrary, if you put it several meters away from the screen, you can get a large-sized image. So what is the most suitable throw distance? Though many projector suppliers disclose a projector’s throw ratio and propose a recommended distance, you have to figure it out on your own.
You will be able to calculate the distance between the screen and the projector lens in the following way:
Throw distance= projection ratio * image width
But quite often, the manufacturer indicates 2 projection relations. For example, a minimum projection ratio of 1.35 and a maximum projection ratio of 2. You will be able to calculate the minimum and maximum setbacks of the projector. Take for example an image of 3 meters wide:
Minimum distance = minimum projection ratio * image width = 1.35 * 3 = 4.05 meters
Maximum distance = maximum projection ratio * image width = 2 * 3 = 6 meters
In recent years, a lot of short-throw projectors, or even ultra-short-throw projectors appeared on the market. The short-throw projector, which usually goes with a very short throw distance from 3 to 8 feet and a throw ratio of less than 0.4. For an ultra-short-throw projector, the throw distance will be even less, which means the projector is put quite near to the screen or wall, but it still can project a large image.
A powerful projector is always the essential driving force of a home theater, but choosing an ideal projector is not an easy task. Giving that there are more than hundreds of different projectors, from a basic entry-level projector to a high-end 4k projector, and prices, features, technologies! Picking up a projector that’s suitable for your room is just like carrying out a study. Meanwhile, both setup and placement can be particularly complicated, so it is better to think about it before buying. For budget-friendly video projectors, we will consider Vankyo’s Performance series for your exciting and immersive home movie viewing experience.For a Full HD picture quality, VANKYO Performance V630 can be your best choice
If you’re looking for a decor-friendly and Full HD video projector to improve your home theater, Vankyo’s Performance V630 is exactly what you need. Featuring a native resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, alongside a brightness of 6,000 lux and a contrast ratio of 5,000:1, images are brighter and clearer, and colors are as vivid as you see in real life.
To enhance your movie experience, V630 supplies a maximal screen size of 46”-300” with projection distance varies from 5.15ft-30.18ft. Imagine heroes pop out of the giant 300-inch projected screen, your viewing experience can be more thrilling and exciting. Plus, the built-in two 5W stereo speakers complement your movie experience with tuneful sound.
With electronic keystone correction, angles no longer bother you. Adjust the image within 45 degrees to get the best shape. Paired with a long-life LED lamp that lasts up to 50,000 hours, it delivers lots of fun to the whole family.
A projection from the front by placing the projector on a table in front of the screen. This is the most common installation because it is quick and easy for setup. Besides, some models such as pico projectors are very suitable for the front installation.
A projection from the rear by installing the projector on the floor or ceiling behind the screen. This type of installation requires a special rear projection screen.
The distance between the projector lens and the screen, the zoom setting, and the video format each affect the size of the projected image. Refer to the specific indications in your user manual to determine the appropriate position for your projector.
Ceiling placement can be done either by using a scaffold to place the projector "upside down", or place it in a niche using an elevator. Beware, for DLP projectors, the "upside-down" placement is almost always mandatory!
Coffee table position is possible with almost any projector but is not the most practical solution. As a coffee table is not high enough, you may not be able to get a perfect image.
The placement on a wall shelf (or furniture), at mid-height, is quite common, but be careful it is not always effective. In fact, almost all DLP projectors do not have a lens-shift function of big angles, so it will be necessary to choose for these projectors either the coffee table position or the ceiling mount on a scaffold.
The projector will need to be powered, but that's not all. It may also need an HDMI cable to connect it to the source. Indeed, it is not like for a TV, it is rare that a projector has an integrated video player, a satellite or TNT receiver, or any other possibility of receiving an image. It will, therefore, be necessary to provide this kind of source, as well as the HDMI link to the projector. This is where it gets complicated because an HDMI connection over several meters can be problematic, especially if you opt for a 4K HDR projector. If you want to avoid all the problems, choose an HDMI fiber optic cable, it is expensive (around 200 € for a 10-meter cable) but it is the future!
Installing a video projector in a living room is not an easy task. After you have taken all these 5 essential factors into consideration, you can get twice the result with half the effort.
December 31, 2019
Every winner will receive an Echo Plus (2nd Gen) or a $100 Bluetooth Speaker.
How to Participate:
Hi Vankyo fans,
Great news for you and for the coming New Year 2020! We are looking for social stars to help spread your love for Vankyo. Get creative and share your favorite projection moments using the hashtag #2020WithVankyo for your chance to win awesome prizes. We will be selecting our top picks at the end of our giveaway, so get sharing!
What Are We Looking for?
Photos that capture what it’s like owning a Vankyo projector. Here are some examples we love:
Pictures including your Vankyo projector that shows interesting usage scenarios
Use your Vankyo projector to watch movies with your families or friends
Giveaway start/end date: 12/31/2019 to 1/15/2020
Once you have submitted your photos, Vankyo reserves the right to use and repost for marketing purposes.
Vankyo reserves the right for the final explanation.
November 29, 2019
Enjoying a fantastic movie night need not mean going to a crowded local theatre. Since all you love to see is the pop-out effect on a large screen, why not take inspiration for your own home theater from these state-of-the-art bespoke screening rooms? Viewing the latest Hollywood blockbusters in the comfort of your home, or sink into your couch to follow a documentary on the African big cats, that’s a great program! And imagine dozens of other advantages that the home theater can bring to you.
Image is often considered as the main element of home theater. This is not entirely true, but a beautiful picture is essential. To immerse the whole family into the movie, you need to opt for a video projector with fairly high brightness to project XXL images.
If the image must be bright, it must also be contrasted. It's the contrast that creates the depth of the image by offering vibrant colors and deep blacks. In terms of image quality, you can rely on a native 1080p HD display, and we recommend Vankyo Performance V630 full HD projector featuring up to 5,500 lux of brightness and 5,000:1 contrast ratio, delivering high brightness and vivid colors to delight your eyes.
For projector lamps that have a relatively modest life span, you might prefer LED projectors, which are less bright but have a longer life. More than that, make sure you choose a low-noise projector because fan noise can heavily impact on your viewing experience.
When it comes to the optimal home theater, the picture quality is just not enough. The sound is definitely another important element to take into account. In fact, it is the sound that puts you in the center of the movie. The power of the action scenes, the seriousness of the dialogues, the musical atmosphere, all these elements contribute to make yourself immersive in what you see.
To bring the best image quality for impressive viewing experiences, movies are always played completely dark in cinemas. In a dark environment, there is little ambient light and this can keep images from being washed out. The darker the atmosphere, the better the images will be. Make sure that you’re seated in a dark environment before you start a movie. If you don’t have a home theater room, you can provide blackout curtains to create the darkest possible context.
Comfortable seat, it sounds so obvious, but after all, you're better off in a comfortable chair than on a dining chair. Remember to equip yourself with functional furniture for the movie marathon. The better you are installed, the more immersive your home theater experience will be.
Finally, all you need is a beautiful image, a good sound, a beautiful atmosphere, and a little comfort to fully experience the cinema at home. Take your time, follow the above steps, you will meet your expectations.
November 29, 2019
The Vankyo Team, Nov. 15, 2019 - Vankyo, one of the world’s trustworthy projector brands, today introduced a new home theatre projector, the upgraded Performance V630 projector. A good-looking finish in minimalist design, at first sight, the projector is not that simple as its appearance presents. The true native 1200*1080 pixels resolution projector featuring up to 5,000 lux of brightness ensures bright, clear display while bringing vibrant colors and detailed images for a better viewing experience. Representing Vankyo’s most compact and high-end projector to date, the new home entertainment model uses advanced technology for resolution enhancement to display reliable and detailed full HD 1080p content in your living room and is ideal for families to immerse in big-screen entertainment.
Color: The Performance V630 video projector is a white color model
Size: 315*235*109 mm
Weight: 2.7 kg
Technology: LCD technology, featuring a native resolution of 1280x1080 pixels
Brightness: 5,000 lux
Contrast ratio: 5,000: 1
Aspect ratio: 16: 9 and 4: 3
Projection distance: range from 1.6 to 9.2 m
Digital keystone correction: adjustment within 45-degree with the help of a remote control
Lamp: LED lamp with a lifespan of up to 50,000 hours.
Inputs: 2 HDMI ports, 2 USB ports, one VGA port, and one component video. It also has a 3.5mm audio out. These ports are well spaced, so you can also have multiple slightly over-sized cables plugged in simultaneously.
Support audio files: AAC, MP2, MP3, PCM, FLAC, WMA.
Support video files: AVI, MP4, MKV, FLV, MOV, RMVB, 3GP, MPEG1, MPEG2, H.264, XVID and JPEG.
The Performance compact and easy-to-use home theater models offer impressive picture and video quality and are convenient for flexible placement on a table or ceiling mount. Whether you’re streaming your favorite series, gaming with your friends, or simply watching a blockbuster movie, the Vankyo Performance V630, V620, and V600 can be your ideal companion.
Vankyo’s new Performance V630 (MSRP $269.99), V620 (MSRP $249.99) and V600 (MSRP $249.99) video projector are now available at Amazon. Each model comes with Vankyo’s prime service and support, including the standard three-year limited warranty, along with free technical phone support for the life of the product.
Vankyo is one of the most trustworthy projector brands as well as a global provider of visual display devices. We’re focused on delivering immersive, fantastic and exciting visual experiences to people worldwide. While that innovation lies at the core of our business, it has transformed into our mission to empower people to explore and enjoy a better life. Today, we have developed various smart products, built multiple online and offline channels and trusted by tens of millions of consumer customers worldwide - but we're just getting started. As our work continues to evolve, we stay focused on delivering prime products and services to customers across the globe.
November 28, 2019
At a time when we have plenty of different types of visual displays at home such as televisions, smartphones, and tablets, it is always good to return to a larger and immersive screen for better viewing experience. One thing is sure, nothing can be more pleasant than watching a movie projected on a large screen or a wall while sharing the happiest moments with families or friends.
However, choosing a video projector that is adaptable and suitable for home theater still remains difficult. This article is therefore proposed to give you some useful advice and show you the qualities of a full HD video projector.
A full HD projector stands for high brightness. When buying a video projector for your home entertainment, it’s preferable to consider how much brightness you actually need for your living room or home theater. In daytime conditions, higher lumens are strongly recommended because too bright a room can heavily impact the image quality and wash out everything you see on the screen. For rooms with dim light, there is not much restriction on the brightness, 1,000 to 2,000 lumens can meet your satisfaction for bright and clear images.
Contrast is an important feature of a video projector and must be taken into account before you purchase. You need to find out what video projector is best depending on the distance to the wall on which the image is projected. The contrast depends on the brightness of the image. If the contrast is too high, the colors will be poorly rendered. With a low contrast, you will not see properly the image or the details. Be sure to make the necessary adjustments according to the brightness of the room.
Generally speaking, the higher the resolution, the better the image quality, and the more the projector will cost. Higher resolutions can display more detail in the picture and can reduce or eliminate the visibility of the pixel structure. Both of these are highly desirable in good home theater. The native 1080p resolution projectors are most recommended for home theater, as they are affordable to most projector users.
Projectors make more noise than TV. This is due to the ventilation that cooled the device. To reduce noise, a cool place is needed. Don’t put your projector in the sun and keep it away from any object that will impact optimal ventilation. By doing this, the cooling system makes less noise and the projector will not be overheated. The less noise from the video projector, the more you can enjoy the sound of your movie or whatever.
Video projector has a major advantage over TV: the feeling of truly experiencing the film or being only a few meters from the actors or a football match, for example. In this way, you can transform your living room into a movie theater to enjoy with your family or friends! You can also enjoy your life-size video games.
A full HD video projector with a native 1080p resolution is recommended for home theater. If you have such a model, it will enhance your movie experience delivering exceptional image quality, natural and calibrated colors, incomparable fluidity of image so you can fully enjoy your movie.
Certain options and functions must be carefully chosen in order to have an image of irreproachable quality, and this is particularly important for the display of the video projector. The compensation of movement, the contrast, the brightness, the lens shift or the keystone correction.
The current models are very practical and are no bigger than an internet box, easy to fix on the wall or to put on a piece of furniture. You just need to bring a blank canvas to expose your screen or a white surface such as a piece of the wall will do. You can adjust the size of the image according to your preference. You will find both models plugging into the sector and wireless connecting to Wi-Fi You can also watch your TV channels to follow your favorite series.
Now that you have a projector that gives you a picture like in the cinema, but you're not feeling immersive? At the cinema, you enjoy not only an image size XXL in excellent resolution but also an additional element, the SOUND!
Without good sound quality, your private movie theater will seem bland and incomplete. Did you try to use the speakers of your projector? Well, it's not great to stay correct. Between the noise of the fans and the limited power, it is useless for an immersive ambiance.
To go to the next level and complete your private installation, you need a soundbar or a powerful home cinema! If you run out of space, or if you want to avoid cables lying on the ground, the soundbar is the type of equipment you need. If you have the ability to hide the wires and position the speakers in exactly the right place, then the home cinema is the must.
Looking for a projector for home theater, or a mini portable projector for outdoor activities? We’ve got excellent projectors for home theater exactly to meet your budget and needs. Choose the Vankyo projector that suits you best by clicking the links below:
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